About NSW FSS Recertification online training:
The training fee is $130. This includes the $30 NSW Food Authority Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) certificate.
You receive a new NSW FSS Certificate - no hidden extras.
NSW FSS certificates are valid for 5 years and must be renewed every 5 years.
NSW FSS Recertification is not suitable for anyone who does not have a current NSW FSS Certificate (see Image of green and white certificate, below). If unsure – please contact us before enrolling.

If your NSW FSS certificate has expired (more than 90 days) you must complete the full FSS training course to qualify for a new NSW FSS certificate. The full FSS online training is also available online via this website. Click here for more info
About all of our NSW food safety online training:
We make training easy and provide the best support.
NSW Food Authority approved Trainer or Administration support - Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm. Phone 02 9499 3737 or email to info@centrefortraining.com.au
Your registration is valid for 3 months from payment date. However you can apply for an extension for up to 6 months (no extra cost) - contact us.
Your new NSW FSS certificate is issued within 5 business days after successful completion of training and assessment requirements.
The NSW Food Authority nominated Key Focus Areas for additional emphasis for all FSS training in NSW. This includes FSS Recertification.
All NSW FSS training courses must train and assess the first 3 Key Focus Areas as well as train the NSW Food Act Offences module.
Allergen management
Cleaning and sanitising
Safe egg handling
Food Act offences
Registration and enrolment procedure
It's easy!
Select your course, complete your personal details and pay through the secure Eway payment gateway.
Your user name and password will be auto-generated and sent to you via email. You will need to use them every time you access this site www.centrefortraining.com.au.
Identification & Pre-requisites
If you wish to renew your NSW FSS Certificate, you must be eligible (see below #). You are required to complete the NSW FSS Recertification training.
Submit a copy of:
^Identification requirement
Your name will be printed on your FSS Certificate as it appears on your government approved photo ID. Approved forms of photo ID include:
Driver licence
NSW Photo card (issued by Service NSW)
Keypass (issued by Service NSW)
You can submit your ID^, USI^^, FSS Certificate*, Statement of Attainment** and FSS Recert Student Submission to Centre for Training office by email (after you complete the online training)
All photo ID is immediately deleted or securely destroyed once checked against the details you have provided. Your photo ID must be fully legible and submitted before we can complete your assessment and issue your qualification.
Students should be aware that personal information (your full name) will be provided to the NSW Food Authority. This information will be stored on the Centre for Training database and the NSW Food Authority database. Both databases are encrypted and secure.
#Eligibility for FSS Recertification
* For FSS Recertification: You must complete the online training AND all of the requirements for FSS Recertification within 90 days of the 'Refresher Due' date shown on your FSS certificate. It is not allowable to recertify a FSS certificate that has been expired for more than 90 days. You will be required to complete the full FSS training. We can transfer you to the full FSS course (fees apply). Note that the 90 day allowance only pertains to the validity of an expired FSS certificate for the purpose of recertification. It is an offence to operate a NSW food business that requires a FSS without a FSS appointed and that FSS must have a valid and current NSW FSS certificate (i.e. not expired or within 30 days of expiration). See 'Important information about FSS expiration, below.
You must have a current NSW FSS Certificate and Statement of Attainment for the Hospitality units to be eligible to do this FSS Recertification training.
This is not suitable for anyone who does not have a current NSW FSS Certificate. If unsure – please contact us before enrolling.
If your NSW FSS certificate has expired (more than 90 days) you must complete the full course. This training is available online.
IMPORTANT information about FSS expiration
Certain food businesses are not allowed to commence prior to appointing a FSS, nor to continue to operate without a current FSS appointed. Penalties apply. Businesses that sell potentially hazardous, ready-to-eat food, not sold and served in its package must appoint an FSS who has completed the mandatory training and can implement safe food handling practices in the business. Businesses are required to keep a copy of the current FSS certificate on the premises for authorised officers to check during inspections.
FSS qualifications should be renewed before the expiry date shown on the certificate. When an FSS holder’s certification expires, a food business has 30 days to ensure:
The FSS renews their training within 30 working days;
Another FSS with a current qualification is appointed
See: http://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/rp/fss-food-safety-supervisors/guide-for-businesses
**About Statement of Attainment
NOTE: The process for FSS Recertification in NSW requires that we provide you with a Credit Transfer for the units of competency that you achieved when you last completed your NSW FSS or Recertification Training.
We will only issue a new Statement of Attainment for the two Hospitality units (not the Retail unit). The two Hospitality units that you were issued five years ago are SITXFSA001 (Previously SITXFSA101) and SITXFSA002 (Previously SITXFSA201).
Do not enrol into this FSS Refresher if you only have a Statement of Attainment for the Retail unit.
A 'Statements of Attainment' is issued to students by the RTO to certify their successful completion of the units when the training and assessment requirements are met. The units are specified by the NSW Food Authority for FSS training and are upgraded from time to time.
You should have been issued a Statement of Attainment for two Hospitality units by the RTO at the same time as your FSS Certificate.
The name of the RTO is on your FSS Certificate (Issued by...)
It is the student's responsibility to provide a certified copy of their Statement of Attainment or a USI Transcript^^^ to prove that you hold the units.
All students are required to submit their USI number.
We are required by the Government to verify your USI prior to issuing your qualification.
To check or create your USI online go to www.usi.gov.au
Please choose 'email option' - your USI will be issued by email immediately. The mail option takes 7-14 days.
When you have your USI, please send your USI number by email to info@centrefortraining.com.au
^^^How to provide permission to an RTO to view your USI Transcript:
Please follow these steps to give us permission to view and download your VET transcript:
Log into your USI account via the USI Student Portal https://portal.usi.gov.au/student (You will need your USI numer and password)
Select >Provide Your USI
Scroll to Set up access to your USI account / Permissions
Select Add Organisation and enter the RTO name (CFT NSW) or code (91230) to search.
Find the correct RTO (CFT NSW code 91230) and select Add
Set the permissions and set an expiry date (3 months to 2 years)
Select Save.
^^^How to view and download a PDF of your USI Transript:
Please follow these steps to view and download your VET transcript:
Log into your USI account via the USI Student Portal https://portal.usi.gov.au/student (You will need your USI numer and password)
Select >View VET Transcripts
Read transcript information and if you agree, select the tick boxes and select ‘Next’
Select Download Transcript and choose to open or save the PDF.
The units we are looking for are: SITXFSA101 and SITXFSA201 or SITXFSA001 and SITXFSA002 and the record should be there.
You can then email the PDF to us at: info@centrefortraining.com.au
We can accept this as proof that you completed the units required to recertify for NSW FSS.
You should first check to see if the record for the units is on the USI National Register.
If the units are not there on the USI National Register, you should contact the RTO that issued you NSW FSS 5 years ago and ask them for a copy of your Statement of Attainment.
CLICK HERE to find out more about USI and Privacy and all of our Terms and Conditions in our Student Handbook, or contact us to discuss. We are more than happy to assist :)
Is this Online FSS course Approved?
Yes. Centre for Training is an ASQA approved RTO and approved by the NSW Food Authority to deliver and assess this training and to issue NSW Food Safety Supervisor Certificates on behalf of the Authority. Our FSS Trainers/assessors are also approved.
About payment
The cost includes training and assessment and your new NSW Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) Certificate.
Is GST included in the price? No, Nationally Recognised training required for work or income purposes is GST exempt in Australia. NSW FSS online is GST exempt.
Is this course tax deductable? Yes, but you need to work in the industry, best to check with your accountant or the ATO.
Are all costs included? Yes, all costs are included, including the $30 fee for the NSW Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) Certificate.
What do I need to learn/know?
The NSW FSS Recertification candidates must demonstarte skills & knowledge in:
Food safety practices & principles
How to prevent contamination
Understanding the Food laws - including new NSW Food Act Offences module
Strategies and techniques for keeping food safe
How to control bacterial growth
Requirements of Standards 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 and the new Standard 3.2.2A (commencing Australia wide in December 2023)
Responsibilities - staff training, record keeping
Food handling controls
Health & hygiene requirements
Cleaning & sanitising
Food premises and equipment
The Key Focus Areas for additional emphasis in NSW:
Allergen management
Cleaning and sanitising
Safe egg handling
How long does this FSS course take?
The course has been developed using competency-based assessment techniques. It guides you through the training material and when you are ready – just complete the quizzes as you go to demonstrate that you understand each topic.
Our online training courses are self-paced. That means you can take as long as you need to complete it. Most students are able to comfortably complete the online component of the FSS Recertification training course in less than 2 hours.
About the training & assessment
NSW FSS Recertification online training
The NSW FSS Recertification online course consists of training and assessment
a) The training is in 2 parts:
Part 1 is the FSS Refresher.
The FSS Refresher has been developed to ensure that you have a sound knowledge of the current laws and understand how to apply the important safe food handling practices.
We know that you did a comprehensive training course just 5 years ago, so you will be very pleased to know that you don’t have to re-do the whole training course again!
There has been quite a lot of changes since you completed your original NSW FSS certificate training, so even if you feel that you know most things pretty well, you should complete all parts of the Refreher (Topic 1) before going to the quiz. Food Act Offences is included in the Refresher.
Part 2 is the remaining three Key Focus Areas.
Allergen Management
Cleaning & Sanitising
Safe Egg Handling
In addition to demonstrating current skills and knowledge in the FSS Refresher, all students wishing to recertify thir FSS in NSW must be taught and tested in the Key Focus Areas. Much of the information in the focus areas is also new. The key Focus Areas have been chosen by the NSW Food Authority because:
They are areas that the authorities have found the greatest problems (i.e. non-compliance), and/or
They have been contributing factors to recent food poisoning outbreaks and cases of food borne illnesses, and/or
Recent guidelines have mandated changes that effect food businesses.
For the above reasons, we recommend that you read & listen to all of each Focus Area before attempting each Focus Area Quiz.
b) Final Assessment – 3 parts.
Online Quizzes – 4 Topic Quizzes (one each topic). You are required to get 80%* for each quiz before continuing.
FSS Recert Student Submission with NSW Food Authority's Key Focus Area Learning Activities and Case Studies for Cleaning & Sanitising (KFA2) and Safe Egg Handing (KFA3).
Allergen Management Module Assessment Booklet (Key Focus Area 1).
Submit 2 & 3 with a copy of your photo ID.
We are only too happy to help you to complete your training as quickly and easily as possible. For technical support and NSW Food Authority-approved FSS Trainer support please email your query at any time to: info@centrefortraining.com.au
We will try to answer your query as soon as possible. For technical support and NSW Food Authority-approved FSS Trainer support you can also call 02 9499 3737 or 1300 661 205 during office hours (Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm).